Member-only story
Deborama’s Kitchen — Leftovers, freezer treats and TV
I have been trying and failing to watch TV for months now. Let me explain. I have never been a consistent watcher of TV, nor am I one of those people who can abide just having it on, nattering away in the background. About once a week, I sit down to my tea like this with my glasses and my remote. I turn on the tube, marvel at how I can hear it with my new hearing aids (!!!) and listen to two to twenty-five minutes of PBS. (This doesn’t really count as viewing, just checking in. It’s random, and I’m not invested. The things I might stick around 25 minutes for are usually either Antiques Roadshow or something history related, especially if it’s local or obscure.) Then I hit my two streaming services — Netflix and (yes, I am ashamed) Amazon. The latter has a bunch of sub-subscriptions, notably Britbox, Masterpiece, and Starz (got that just for American Gods, which is one of the many series I am behind on.)
But whenever I get to this point, despite the fact both services have a watchlist queue of over 100 items, I never watch anything on my queue, I just scroll through it and add new things to my queue! This has to be, in a long lifetime (68 years so far) of finding new and original ways to be neurotic, one of the most neurotic things I have done. Or at least it annoys me, and, curiously, soothes me, at the same time. (Isn’t that an excellent definition of…