Member-only story
Deborama’s Kitchen — Catching Up

I meant to start posting more frequently — daily, if possible — in 2021. Well, here it is February 3 and this is only my seventh post since the New Year. Oh, well. I’ve done a lot of other stuff. You believe me, right?
So Deborama’s actual kitchen (the room, not the website) is jogging along. Now and then I do a little re-organizing or tidying, and once I even mopped about half of the floor. I have been trying to try out a few more meal kits before I do my authoritative post on the various vendors, their strengths and weaknesses and which ones I like best. That will be another post though, not this one.
And another thing that will be a different post — I plan to be at least as regular in “book blogging” as in food posting, and also to do some political posts. If I get a head of steam up, there might be a flurry of posts in the wake of this one.
And finally, both a different post for the future and a reason I haven’t posted so much — I have finally restarted daily meditation. My friend Julie and I meet every evening after she watches the news in our condo community room and do a short Zen meditation, sometimes preceded by yoga type stretches or chair yoga warmups.
The meal planning still hasn’t gelled. Meals are sketchy. I have ordered Pizza Lucé brussels sprouts, appetizers, ice cream, and root beer (not…