Member-only storyIndex — Deborama — Spirituality, Philosophy, the Mind-bodyDebra Keefer Ramage·Follow1 min read·May 18, 2021--ShareWeird World of Deborama — Getting Dark and Philosophical About the HolidaysThe title of this article is meant to gently lead you into a dark place. If I had titled it “Dying During the Holidays”…debrakeeferramage.medium.comDeborama goes deeperMost of this, the nugget, was a Facebook post*:debrakeeferramage.medium.comA Know-it-all In Search of Beginner’s Mind, or Zen and the Art of ZenI have flown to star-stained heights, on bent and battered wings In search of mythical kings, mythical kings Sure that…debrakeeferramage.medium.comA Know-it-all In Search of Beginner’s Mind, Part 2 — The quest continuesWhen last I visited this topic, I was hopeful I could continue Zen meditation on my own. I have never been able to…debrakeeferramage.medium.comMindfulness Journal — random entry 1–2020/04/28Thoughts about non-dualism. I’m reminded of that thing you (J, our Zoom meditation facilitator) read us from (Shunryu)…debrakeeferramage.medium.comMindfulness Journal — random entry 2 –2020/05/10 Mothers’ DayBegin journaling thoughts related to or arising from daily practice of mindfulness meditation on Zoom with a small…debrakeeferramage.medium.comDid Jesus celebrate Hanukkah?The short answer is yes. The long answer, ah! That is a story rich in incident, with enticing side journeys into such…