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A Tarot Reading

Using a three-card layout, I asked the cards:
How bad will the next four years be, the second regime of Trump, and the impending attempt to implement a document of pure evil called Project 2025?
What a question!
So in the Let-go position we have The Lovers, VI. Little Red Tarot says if this card is asking for a decision, choose the most loving decision. Hmm. Maybe it’s not asking for a decision here? How can we respond to being told we must let go of love? Perhaps this is a reference to Karl Popper’s thing about being tolerant of everything except intolerance? Acknowledge that the hallmark of the coming administration and all its trailing detritus is radical intolerance. Put on your big girl’s blouse, and Boudica’s armor, and refuse to tolerate it.
Then we have Page of Wands in the Focus position. The suit of Wands is about the element Fire, it’s about energy, action (political action?), the life force, and spiritual illumination. The Page cards can relate to youth. Or, in some non-traditional, feminist decks, the Page and Knight become Princess and Prince respectively. In these decks and their interpretation, instead of four stages of life, there are just two, youth and maturity. The Princess and Queen represent the feminine aspect by which it means the Yin energy in Taoist terms, not traditional gendered straitjackets. So Page of Wands…